Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ok, clearly the pics are terrible. I am researching picture taking techniques as I type this, and I will try to do better next time guys.

Here is my current DE list. It is based around a 2250 point force, which seems to be the gold standard for tournaments now-a-days. This is the 7th incanration of this list, but I suppose that is what happens when you collect and develop an army over 3 years... haha.

The list - names to follow

General - Nobel - Crimson death (Str 6), cold one, full armor
Nobel - Pegasus, Death Mask (terror) halbred, full armor, x-bow
Nobel - Steed, halbred, x-bow, full armor
Soceress - lvl 2, dipsell scroll, +1 Spell

15 warriors - naked
15 warriors - naked
15 warriors - naked
5 dark riders - naked
5 dark riders - naked
5 Cold One Knights - War banner
2 Cold One Chariots - + spears and scythes
6 Shades
12 Witch Elves - full command, + manbane for hag
2 Reaper Bolt Throwers
4 Ironguts - full command, masquerading as Black Guard

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dark Elf Updates

well, my dark elf project has been a long time running. I originally concieved the idea to do the dark elves after the Hillbilly 05. Since then, I have slowly begun painting and collecting them. World of Warcraft sort of curtailed my minitures hobby for a long time, but once I gave that up, I was able to focus more attention on my fledging dark elf hobby. In doing that, I really began to make some headway on the army. The past few months have been crazy and so my progress has slowed, but I am now heading into a time I can again get cracking on these guys, and I hope to have them ready for the 08 tournament season.
Image one is my Black Guard, which I will actually be using as DoW ogres. Image 2 is my finished spear elves regiment. Image 3 is my sorceress, which will be a level 2 magic caster. Image 5 is my noble on cold one, using a converted carnasaur to show what B.A. he is. I apologize for the blurriness of the pics. I don't think that my camera nor my photography skills are good enough to do much better. Let me know what you think with what you can see.
*edit: I am doing some research on taking better miniture photos, I'll try to get those up!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Welcome to my blog about my hobby of dragon gaming. For me, this could include any number of various nerdy games, however, I will mostly focus on Games Workshop games. I am currently working on an Ultramarines army for 40k and a Dark Elf army for WHFB. I will hope to chart the progress here.